Jangan menunggu, karena waktu meninggalkan mereka yang meragu

I gave you the space so you could breathe

I kept my distance so you would be free

And hope that you find the missing piece

To bring you back to me 

-don't you remember - Adele

is it too late for apologies?? if I can turned back the time, I will said everything inside my mind to explain everything between us in the last 5 months ago, but I won't.

it's over. isn't it? I can't understand why this happen so fast. I just don't know how to start and ending this story more better. 

are you believe on destiny? just like a diagram of life, our destiny breakeven. You know I'm on it, but it's hard to make it clear and happen in actual life. 

But, I am really happy and touching to know you and having your heart eventhough just for a while.

thanks for your caring, your spirit and your love and is just everything for me. your spirit to wake me up every morning and accompany me in LRT omw to office. it's everything for me, I really appreciate it ,thanks.

really thanks for everything. I just can't make you more involve with my troubles, you just too nice to me. I never been let you hurt, at that time I just think, maybe it's a better way if I let you go more earlier, maybe your hurt feeling just a little bit minim. 

so sorry for everything. I really like you, if I can turned back time, I wanna meet you early. more early than ever I thought so can never let you go. but I just can't.

it really hurts me sometimes to remember you. 

maybe it's time for me to let you go. to let all memory about you out from mind. it's hard but I'll try. I know it's already works for you, why I cannot try it?

please still healthy. never give up. I know you will.


sincerely, me


long time no see
long time no post!
hi dear, how are u my blog!

yah banyak kejadian dan peristiwa kalo mau dibilang di hari hari gue kemarin.
kalo mau dijelasin entah sampe kucing kawin sama singa pun ga bakal kelar *lebay

sebenernya gue lagi kesel.
dengan mood gue yg lagi turun drastis kayak dompet gue, gue bingung mesti crita dengan siapa dan darimana mesti mulai.
pacar, lagi sibuk sama androidnya itu.
rumet lagi sibuk dengan presentasinya itu
miaw lagi sibuk dengan jamalnya itu
dan gue , gue, gue.
gue lagi sibuk ama kepala mumet gue.

gue cuma bisa bilang kalo bisa otak dibeli dikaki 5, pikiran bisa dicuci dan diganti.
gue bakalan ganti sekarang, secara otak gue lagi penuh sama hal hal yang ga penting.

tugasan kuliah gue tinggal 2 (8/10). midsem alhmdulillah udah kelar.

dan dan dan dan dan dan dan, yang gue pikirin ya cinta gue si mbp. CD nya ga ada!
gue kenapa lupa ngecek sih pas belii,,blo'oooonn tingkat dewaaaaaa!
gue messtii balik lagi ke penang buat ngambil tu CD, dannnnnnnn
dompet gue sama kayak perut gue sekarang. kosong dan berirama ketipak ketipungnya gendang.

what should I've do!

